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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy 2015!! Boston Trip

Its been about 3 years since I returned back to my old stomping grounds Boston, Ma. Mainly because I have 2 spoiled dogs that need my attention and usually I went take the trip alone and Norak has to stay behind but I felt bad that I always got to visit and he never so I took a couple of years off. But we couldnt pass up such good ticket prices and since I moved back in with my mom for now she was the perfect dog sitter. So with that we landed in Boston Christmas morning and spent the holidays with our Boston family and friends. Our goals for the trip, eat great food! And that we sure did :)

But my Boston trip wouldn't be complete without my Friends, I notice we didn't take as much pics as I wanted :( I really need to invest in a DSLR.

Lastly I got to finally meet my Chauncey! My neice's kitty, he is just too awesome.

One thing I regret not doing was exploring the historical side of the city or mainly just exploring. Since it was winter it was too cold to actually be outdoors, I actually didnt mind being out in the cold but unfortunately everyone else hated it. So I plan on taking another trip when it starts to get warmer. I would love to walk around the Boston Gardens and just explore more of the city. So Boston, I will see you soon!

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